All family members, past and present, have a right to belong. The family system does not allow exclusion at the level of the soul. The system is always trying to make itself whole. Our place of belonging puts our feet on the ground, connects us fully to life and gives us our place in the world. It builds a strong foundation to support us moving forward and to reach our full potential.
What is not completed/resolved in your family system can be passed on to present generations. You may live feeling empty, disconnected, sad, angry, feeling not enough, self denial, find it difficult to embrace relationships, feel unsupported, have no meaning or purpose in life with your full potential not lived..
WHEN: 26 to 28 October 2018 (Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday) TIME: 8:30am to 5:00pm WHERE: 24 Edwards Street Brighton South Australia WHAT TO BRING: Please bring shared lunch. Morning and afternoon tea is provided.
INVESTMENT: Your total investment is $445 for the 3 Days and includes:
a voice for your family’s stories that have not been heard or healed
honour for the deep sadness, grief and longing of your family's journey of immigration
loss and grief for what could have been
sacred space for collective trauma to be held and transformed
victim/perpetrator in the Ancestors Story acknowledgement
Education on the principles of Family Constellations. Experience the strength of standing strong in the world. Experience your own constellation / representative or both Meditation on owning your belonging.
FAMILY CONSTELLATIONS A new way forward in our changing world