Our world as we know it has changed – for everyone on Earth. Our world stopped for a moment in time in 2020 and breathed a new breath. Some of us acknowledge this new breath inside ourselves and the Earth’s new ways for humanity.
The masses are still holding on to what they know and understand about life; this is all OK and on the time-line of our evolution. The old structures, beliefs and conditions of life have served many, supporting individuals, families, communities and countries, and making productive lifestyles for many throughout the GLOBAL family. Each century in humanity’s history has had times of extreme change. The stories are in the history books. Each generation that has lived has their story of life – some living extraordinary trauma throughout the waves of human existence. Wars, slavery, immigration, refugees – pain going into the cells of many. Religion and science – often in opposition. Education giving to many in the GLOBAL family, supporting new opportunities. Political leaders throughout the world having different agendas for each country. One part of humanity has built great wealth, power, productive lives, opportunities for our children in technology progress and lifestyle. A world of freedom and equality has been a daily reality for many of us. The other part of our GLOBAL family is in poverty, starvation, genocide, disconnection, pain – expressing tears, grief, sadness. Our GLOBAL family is in a place of denial of itself, operating our systems and structures as if we are not connected to each other on our Earth. We are extraordinary humans. We have evolved now and begun to see many of the loop-holes in our daily reality of life. There is a natural pull taking place to open our eyes to the illusions of our existence. We have reached this time in our journey of life. Each generation has walked the steps forward. Now we are able to receive life from our ancestors’ journeys and what has been lived before... This has supported us to arrive here in the time of 2021 on Earth. To evolve and to be able to open up to new ways forward, to expand our reality of existence as humanity. It is transition time. A transformational process is taking place and will continue to do so in the coming years. There will be many pathways over the next decade to begin to understand a new way forward for humanity – for there is something bigger taking place for the human race. There is a natural pulse in the electromagnetic forcefield in the human heart. This natural pulse is aligned to the electromagnetic forcefield of Mother Earth, and this is in a place of activation and expansion. From the logic of our education, governments, religion and science, this will make no sense to many; the masses will hang on tight to what they know and understand. For what they understand gives them sense and stability. There is a stirring happening for millions. And this stirring will expand throughout out the GLOBAL family. What is taking place does not come from our logic or intellect. It is a vibration, a frequency, an energy alignment that has nothing to do with our thought process. Why this is happening is extraordinary – and it is beyond our daily understanding of intelligence. We cannot stop or control it, for it does not come from the level of our thoughts. Many of the elders, shamans, spiritual tribe leaders that have a connection to Mother Earth have spoken about theses time we are living in. Completion and birth. Every day, women and men around the world have the knowing and impulse of the winds of change for our GLOBAL family. Activation has taken place in our DNA – a remembering and alignment to a bigger picture has been experienced. The daily reality of transformation from the old structures and beliefs being experienced in them, the old traumas that separated us from our heart space of love, have been visited and released. This was done from a place of evolution – the response often bigger than can be understood. We will walk this journey together as a GLOBAL family. It may not be what you are wanting. Life maybe in a place that seems full of confusion, no order, a feeling of being out of control. Evolution is asking more from each of us. There is a movement deep inside us. This movement is changing us from ‘It’s about ME’ to ‘It’s about WE’. For we are all connected to the GLOBAL family. It’s not your choice, says Mother Earth – this is bigger than you. We will walk the journey forward together as a GLOBAL family, as old structures, beliefs and connections are asked to leave us, for they can’t stay in the new vibrational frequency of connection. We will walk through extraordinary times, changes in many of the old systems and structures of our time completing; they cannot come forward with us. Some of our structures and systems will walk the journey with us, new ways forward transforming in them as we transform. Daily we will begin to let go of how life has been and allow new pathways forward. Acknowledgement of what is will support us and give strength to new structures in new systems. We are GLOBAL family citizens of Earth. Mother Earth has the ability to guide us forward. There is ancient wisdom in the field. We are all connected with each other and Mother Earth. The evolutionary impulse is pulling us forward. We, as humanity, are experiencing the electromagnetic alignment on a timeline of us evolving. Science and religion will come together. Time – order – balance. Higher intelligence is in place here. Sacred business is in place here. New vision and leadership are called here. Connection wholeness love is here. Our intellectual reality will try to debate here. Our impulse to control will try to master here. Old ways will yell to hold on here. Struggle will play out here. Surrender and acceptance will be the way through here, in peace. A physical, mental, emotional and spiritual process is taking place here. All will change here, for a bigger picture of who we are is here, on time for you, me and humanity. Respect, dignity, humility is held here, for it is in this we will find new ways forward. Susan Altschwager Family Constellations Trainer, Facilitator and Coach Author, New Story for Humanity
Country, culture, colour, race, gender are not what is required to hear the calling. Many modern-day women and men are standing up strong globally with the wisdom keepers song in them – it is time.
Evolution is asking more of us all The call has not come from our intelligence, our thought processes, with their daily reality of life and echo of what is right and wrong. Some of us are having thoughts about life returning to normal, but it’s the global family that is feeling the effects of COVID-19. The call comes from a place deep inside of us, connected to long ago. The reality of who we are as ‘humanity’ Who we are as a species of people living on Earth is part of the process of change – we are needing to come to terms with the natural process of humanity’s evolution and what that looks like and how that affects our everyday lives. It’s not a personal choice – it is bigger Much will take place for the human race to come to a place of acceptance of what is – time to see a bigger picture of who we are. This is on a timeframe as we evolve, seeing and living with new perspectives. The call has come to GLOBAL family We will walk the journey together as ‘humanity’, not as separate countries, cultures, colours, races, genders. We will live through a time of change beyond our control or understanding. We cannot stop, control or manipulate the natural process of expansion of reality, for it comes from a deep place within us all. Prediction and prophecy about these extraordinary times of change Prophets, elders, shamans teachers who are connected to Mother Earth have expressed through the ages that this time of change for humanity is coming. It’s like they hear a different rhythm of life expression from the electromagnetic field that is connected to us all. They honour the larger systems and forces at play. When life asks more from us When the larger forces of evolution ask us to open up to a bigger picture about life, for the purpose of creating new systems and a new story for humanity, lives change globally … the wisdom keepers sing – it is time. Many of our social and global systems have no answers to support the change that is being asked of us. We are at a crossroads as a race of people. It is an extraordinary time to be living on Mother Earth. For within the natural process of life, the old systems that built our present reality are in a process of completion. This is not destruction, it is completion How we see and understand life and its conditions are now in a place of expansion. That which is not able to open up to a new way of connecting will not stay here with us, for it is time for a new story to birth. The timeframe is not from our clocks – it’s from the rhythm of evolution. There are larger forces at play. New possibilities and opportunities are here to create new ways forward, through people opening to new perceptions and ways of seeing and experiencing life in this new reality of connection. Change is a continual process of living life as we look back in history – change is always there. We have reached this time in our lives as humanity, because of what has been lived before us. We have within us as a collective wisdom to nurture the evolution of us as a species. Ancient wisdom in the field is being spoken through many, giving support for new pathways forward for the future of humanity. Environmental issues facing us all We are not bigger then the environmental systems we live within. New perceptions will arise, as we become more aware and as we deal with crises and chaos. We are part of the environment too, not separate – all is connected. We will walk through that which we have created From our reality of progress, life will give us what is needed for us to see humanity with new eyes. Susan Altschwager Family Constellations Trainer, Facilitator and Coach Author, New Story for Humanity Many of us are having difficulty finding solid ground with our plans and ideas in these times of change. We may be feeling a lack of control – like something bigger is encroaching on our space.
Some of us are yelling and screaming, demanding solutions, wanting to know what is going on, and wanting answers to where life is going for us. We are hanging on tight to our present reality and lifestyle in our daily lives. We may be questioning our governments and structures of order and control as to where they are taking us – some feeling safe, others enraged and defiant. Helplessness, fear, anger, grief – all these emotions are being experienced as our present-day structures come more and more unstable … Some kneel in prayer, asking for answers and for the wellbeing of our families, communities and countries, while expressing gratitude is a practice for many of us each day. Holding up high a vision of hope for the future for ourselves and future generations is a way through these times. It can seem like a lot is being asked of us in letting go of how we want life to be. Many of us have sacrificed a lot to gain a particular lifestyle. And we may have strong beliefs and conditioning that comes from the daily expectation of success, wealth and abundance. We have a picture in our mind’s eyes of how we want life to be, and we have worked very hard to gain certain achievements – education, degrees, jobs, possessions. Our sense of belonging and self-worth are wrapped up in this picture that was promised to us. And we are being asked to reconsider this picture of how life is meant to be. Something big is taking place for the human race. Looking back on our own family systems, we can see the extraordinary journey of our ancestors – immigration, genocide, slavery, wars etc. We often hold tears for our ancestors’ journey within us, due to trauma being passed on from generation to generation. Families have struggled for equality – culture, colours, race, gender – in having a say in the way life was and is for us all. Collective trauma is shining a light on the way forward, showing us the separation of love. There are large systems in place here – evolution is asking more of us. Because of what has been lived behind us, we are able to open up to evolve. We are able to hold a deeper meaning and reality of life, healing the past, standing strong in the present, holding future generations in our hearts with love, balance and order. We, humanity, are on time to expand the reality of who we are and our understanding of that. A bigger picture is needing to be acknowledged and accepted, giving a voice to the extraordinary time of completion of the old story of our existence and the birth of a new story for humanity. This is not your choice it is about us – humanity – evolving as a species. This often not what you are wanting in your life – you had your life all planned out. We have been debating about climate change over the last few years, as if we are bigger than life itself, as if we can control, manipulate and dominate the larger forces of existence. Mother Earth is held from greater forces of life than we have known, and we are being asked to align with these forces, to walk a journey of expansion in our thinking, to open our hearts within our daily lives and realities – this what is being asked of us in this time in history. Who is doing this asking? It is from a very deep part of you that is connected to the evolution of humanity. The human spirit is strong and will find a way forward in this time in history. We, humanity, are experiencing on Mother Earth this extraordinary time together. This time of the COVID-19 virus – one race in this movement, the human race. The journey forward will have many faces – voices – debates. It will be an emotional roller coaster ride for many, with separation and division taking place. This is all we have known – this hand will hang on tight to feel safe, exerting it’s power to maintain control in the wave of this change. Humanity will ride the wave through these times as one race of people … Yet countries, cultures and people will ride this wave differently. There is instability in the old structure globally – this can be felt in our guts, fear holding on tight. Living in a place of not knowing will be part of the ride. The present reality of progress, stability, abundance, will be questioned by many. Control, order and balance will slowly unmask its presence as we begin to face life from a bigger picture. Humanity will ride this wave. Your families haves ridden extraordinary waves of change before you, so you will have the courage, strength and resilience to draw on, from what has been lived before and passed onto you. Your own uniqueness – your loyalty to the old structure – how you see life, what makes sense to you will be challenged within you some days. There can be a love of what life has given you – acknowledge this and have gratitude. Respect what has been fought for you – honour this. Bow your head. Holding on in the wave of change to what you have and know is a natural process. Be alert, be aware, be open – the wave will teach us much and take us to new places of who we are. Having information and education with words like alignment, vibration, DNA activation, completion of the old and birth of the new is of no interest to many – for the movement in you is to survive the wave of change taking place in your life. The natural process of life will take you to a new places. And your acceptance of life not being what you want it to be will ask more of you. Your connection to your self, family and community will be a great resource for you. Respect and honour in place here for the unique expression of you. Many have been waiting for this time – this wave of change for humanity. Some have been born with the knowing of an extraordinary time of change in their lifetime and have lived not always connected or belonging in what is known as mainstream daily reality. Some have experienced extraordinary life change through illness, the death of a loved one etc. When life changes in a heartbeat – this can take people on a journey of questioning the importance of their values in life. For some, this is like an awaking to a deeper part of themselves, often expressed in a spiritual journey. There are many that have been healing deep inner pain, trauma inside themselves, to free themselves to live a productive life. There has been a pull to do this; it is not a logical process – a deep feeling from the human heart to free itself from the collective traumas of our family system. As a humanity, we are born into a traumatised field, a place of separation. Heart-based businesses have been created globally through many who feel a calling to do so. There are many who talk about this time as an awakening for humanity. Then there are others – vision holders, wisdom keepers, medicine women and men, mystics, elders, shamans, spiritual teachers, healers – coming together with the same reality of the winds of change for humanity to support the issues we all face as a species. Then others, ordinary woman and men, who are experiencing a phenomenal opening to deep knowing and wisdom about this extraordinary time, having insights to a bigger picture of evolutionary process for our global family. What is wanting to express through you in this time in history – it may be not what you want, but it’s what is wanting to create through you. This will take a great deal of courage, resilience and strength from you. Total commitment to your own evolution and the natural process of evolution as a global family – humanity. The deep pull in you to be true to yourself will expand and your doubts, fears and wanting to hide will be asked to stand still. You will be asked to stand up, show up, give a voice to who you are as a blessing for future generations. Leadership with sacred vision is being called for. This call is from a deep place, from Mother Earth, from the ancients of long ago, from larger systems of love and connection. You are being called to fully open your heart to hold a higher intelligence of love. This is a vibration, not a word. It is a place of connection, a belonging – no one is excluded. Separation does not live in this vibration of love. Humility and grace hold the space. We hold this vibration of love within us when we open our hearts fully and find this new way forward… Each person having their place in the completion of the old and the birth of the new story for humanity. Over the last few decades, many people have been asked to stand up, to write books and educate others about the reality of this extraordinary time of change for humanity – the expansion of human consciousness and the evolutionary pulse within our heartbeat being respected and expressed in new ways as we move forward. This reality is now. The wisdom keepers are singing ‘it is time’. Susan Altschwager Family Constellations Trainer, Facilitator and Coach Author, New Story for Humanity Confusion is playing out for many people in this intensive time of change. Not knowing what or who to believe – there is so much information out there from social media, governments and everyday people from all walks of life. Daily information coming from all corners of the globe. Facts, truths, beliefs, all expressed through different ways of understanding. Many yelling, demanding to be heard, holding up a flag of peace and love, yet standing in anger and rebellion.
So much time, so much pain Many are holding the stories in their cellular bodies that have come down through generations in our family systems. Often deep feelings and memories are being felt and seen. Overflowing with a sense of justice and the progress of right and wrong. The pain felt in the body can be so intense it can be difficult to breathe your own breath, leaving many of us overwhelmed and fearful … Difficult to find a place for the intensive pain As we try to find a place within the journey of our history, much – sometimes too much – is being asked to be held. The heavy load of humanity’s journey of pain is being passed on. Collective trauma is gathering pace fast … The old in us and in our systems will hang on tight, as long as possible, in a place of resistance, denial and numbness. For it is in the old that we understand and know life. Letting go of humanity’s vibration of existing is often a difficult journey. We can look outside ourselves with hate, anger, rage for others from our perception of holding something new in us. From what our eyes see and what our heart feels is that we are in the new and others are in the old. We can hold on to this so strong; we want to let go of it, for we have been born and died in this vibration for all our human history. The journey of separation of love has created the worlds we live in now. This is changing Vibration, frequency, expansion codes in our DNA activation… Big stuff in our space – not your choice. It is bigger than your choice – it is from a timeframe of our evolution. There is a deep movement of evolution within the human species taking place. Collective trauma shining a light for us to all see and feel the pain of the separation of love. Cover-ups, secrets, illusions, being exposed … This explosion comes from a vibrational holding place – for the old ways can’t stay in the present vibration being felt through human expansion. Collective trauma is guiding us home from the old to the new. Winds of change are here Transformation is taking place within many people globally, creating new possibilities and extraordinary abilities. We have reached a time in history where humanity has the ability for a collective movement forward because of what has been lived before us. We acknowledge the trauma from the past as being a road way to the future. Often the very trauma you were born into has the extraordinary potential for your own evolution, and the journey of deep wisdom birthing through you to offer new ways forward. Wisdom keepers sing it is time This movement is not about right or wrong, good or bad. We don’t know more than the people behind us … It is much bigger … It is from a place within the human spirit, within the deepest part of the human soul – a place where new possibilities for expansion exist and seeing life experiences from a larger capacity of love. We are a part of a force field – the electromagnetic field aligned to a higher intelligence of love, order and balance on the timeframe of humanity’s evolutionary process. It is time. We are living in this extraordinary timeframe. Science will bring about information to support new understandings of a new paradigm in time. We will walk the journey from the old to the new In the walk – we will face ourselves many times, welcoming in a new paradigm of reality. In the walk – we will put our judgements on what it should be, as if we are bigger than life that has been lived before us. This judgment is part of the old way – we will be asked to leave this behind. This can be very difficult for we often hold on to how we want it to be… In the walk – our hearts will cry many times for the lost tears of our ancestors. We can feel these tears within us – immigration, wars, slavery, genocide, our family’s journey. In the walk – we will feel the pain, anger, rage, from people behind us who never had a voice. In the walk – we will feel like we are dying as the old self leaves us and a new place of not knowing arrives inside us. Learning to feel comfortable in the place of not knowing, can make us feel very vulnerable and fearful. In the walk – much will be asked of us, just like much was asked from the ancestors behind us. Courage, resilience, strength will walk with you – they have been in your family system for a long time. In the walk – letting go of the way you see life to be can be challenging. What is taking place in the walk from the old to the new is what is wanting to express and create through you – and it’s not always how you wanted it to be. Surrender and acceptance is in partnership with you in the walk to the new. In the walk – leading-edge knowledge is often felt within the human heartbeat, feeling the pulse of evolution, which is asking more of us to stand up. This can be challenging as old beliefs of doubt and ‘not good enough’ play through you. In the walk – many modern-day women and men are feeling the call from the ancients of long ago; we are remembering the lost heritage of long ago – of connection, wholeness, oneness. In the walk – your own separation of love visits you regularly. Your expression of who you are is asking for full exposure. Respect, humbleness, connection to heart Respect, humbleness, connection to heart is how we walk through the doorway to the new. Bowing your head to all that is behind you – all the history of humanity’s existence. We have reached this place and it is time to evolve, to be able to bring through a collective movement going forward. Life has now come to us – we hold deep sacredness within us to create new ways. Now turn and face your future and see the future generations in front of you. Look in their eyes, see and feel their gratitude to you, for your capacity to walk through a new doorway, a new paradigm of life. Letting go of separation and of how we have understood life to be… Walking the journey – the old meeting the new. Extraordinary people moving into a new way of living life here on Mother Earth. Susan Altschwager Family Constellations Trainer, Facilitator and Coach Author, New Story for Humanity Women and men – the call of change is here. This call is not your call – it is the call of evolution.
We have lived disconnected from ourselves, each other and Mother Earth. This is the way it has been for centuries, since long ago. Generations of our families have existed from this place. We have been born into a traumatised field of separation from source. There are many people from all walks of life, women and men, who have been experiencing a deep response to healing the pain in their heart, the trauma in their family systems and becoming free from old patterns and human conditions. We see advertising from coaches, healers, about Living your Best Life, Be Who you were Born to Be, Create the Life You Want etc. It has become very popular and within the mainstream, new modalities and healing businesses are growing in our society – heart-based businesses. We have had education through new realities about the power of our thoughts, setting clear intentions of what we want, steps and goals being worked on. This is all to do with a part of us being ready, informed, expanding our reality, supporting us going forward. Evolution is asking more from us now. We are ready and equipped, able to open new doors to a deeper knowledge of who we are as a species – the human species. We are ready for a bigger picture about the extraordinary history of humanity from long, long ago – the story of our ancient origins. This is the time for humanity to explore and expand – as the larger systems of order and balance are in chaos, disruption and completion. It is time to move from ‘life is all about me’ – to see that all life is all interconnected, ‘we’ …. As humanity, we have what is needed to walk through this extraordinary time of change. We are ready collectively to begin to see life through a new lens – connected to the deep truth of our journey as a species before recorded history … As we approach different concepts of living, through what is taking place in our lives, what we are experiencing daily in our families, communities and countries, we will take the necessary steps to walk forward. We will begin to observe the present reality and see the many illusions of our existence. This natural movement could feel like our world is out of control, as much of what we want is leaving us. A new perception of equality of life will come through us. We are able to stand up strong and take forward this movement from ‘me’ to ‘we’. This is GLOBAL business – this is humanity’s expression of connection. This time is not what I want – it is what is wanting to create through me. Yes – it can be challenging, overwhelming, confusing. It’s not about you – it’s about future generations. We are blessed to have the call of evolution expressing through us, to guide and support new ways forward for your grandchildren, my grandchildren and future generations. It’s time to grow up, take responsibility for ourselves and the generations after us. It’s time. We will understand the calling of evolution and the impact of this in our daily lives. New science will give us details of the great expansion of the reality of humanity, as we move through it. This is not your call it is coming from a deep place of evolution. Each generation has their place in history – this is ours… To let go of how we wanted life to be for us and accept how it is, and what is needed for us to stand up strong. To have courage. To have the capacity to open our eyes and see the truths of our lives and the impact wit in the larger systems within our lives. Much of how we have loved and understood life is leaving us. This is not about devastation; this is about completion of the old reality of life. It is time for a new way – acceleration of the balance and order of larger systems globally – this is for humanity. Remember you are not in control here. A higher intelligence of order and balance Is holding us, humanity, through all of what is being asked of us … How blessed are we? Our future generations are looking at us to find new ways forward. Fear will come with you while you are hanging onto what you have known and how you think life should be. Fear will not give service to your wellbeing as your life steps forward into this new paradigm. The masses of people within our global family have been asleep – unaware of the extraordinary phenomenon being experienced by some people, the pioneers of change, the visionaries, the keepers of wisdom, the healers under many different names. These people have been working extremely hard, expanding human reality, transforming human conditioning. And something extraordinary is taking place for them. A place of deep knowing that aligns to ancient business of long ago … This is a vibrational experience not connected to thoughts. It is more than a word, it is a vibration, and energy shift not understood from the intellect readily at this present time. Activation within the codes of DNA touches a deep place inside the human nervous system, and it is a mental, physical, emotional and spiritual change. This activation cannot be stopped or controlled. This activation is stronger than the thought process. It has been difficult for the pioneers of change to communicate about this experience to family, friends … The electromagnetic force field within the heart is beating to a new rhythm of life – the evolutionary pulse inside us is aligning to the heartbeat of our Mother Earth, connected to larger systems that we are all connected to. Preparation for the mass awakening – within the timeframe of evolution. Wisdom keepers of this time are holding place for humanity’s awakening. They come from all walks of life – ordinary women and men who felt the pulse of evolution within them. They have the knowing of the ancients of long ago calling them. More will awaken – more will remember – more will hear the call of deep change. This is not a personal choice – this is within humanity’s heartbeat. The pulse of evolution – connected to the heartbeat of our Mother Earth. Susan Altschwager Family Constellations Trainer, Facilitator and Coach Author, New Story for Humanity M: 0488 030 471 E: [email protected] W: www.susanaltschwager.com.au There is a storm aheadHaving knowledge about the storm ahead will support you to prepare mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually for the time when separation is let go of in our systems and structures.
This is GLOBAL business This information is not about doom and gloom. This expression comes from deep knowing of the wisdom connected to our story of origin, in the knowing fields in Australia. The call from the ancients is a call for many … The place of entry to the deep knowing – the ancient knowledge – is within your heartbeat, which is connected to Mother Earth’s heartbeat. Evolution is calling us – this is global business. Economics on Earth The old realities of progress that have been in control, supporting and creating the present reality of life are changing – we live in a time of change. The old cycle of business, politics, law making, science has reached a time of completion. Holding judgement anger and blame will not support new ways forward. All of what is taking place for us is on a time mechanism of human evolution. All of what is taking place for us is not negotiable. It’s a natural process of humanity’s evolution – we cannot hold this back, this movement of completion. It’s not easy for us to understand from the way we look at life – from the limitations of our reality of human existence. Education is needed We need to be educated about the shift in human consciousness that is taking place. We need to understand this natural process. The present education systems do not have the required information to support communities around the world to understand what is taking place for the human race. Elders, indigenous tribes, shamans, spiritual leaders world-wide are coming together to hold space for the knowing of this time. Wisdom keepers throughout the world – ordinary women and men who feel the knowing are hearing the call of change for this time, and are standing up. Vision holders for the greater good are holding vision for the future. Healers, medicine women and men, are showing up. Connection | wholeness | love Connection | wholeness | love is being challenged as fear holds the front line in our life on Earth. Fear will have the opportunity to run rampant in this time of change, for we have little understand of the natural process of change taking place. Fear has always been a driving force within humanity. We as a race of people – humanity – have been born into a traumatised collective field through separation from the source. The picture is bigger. Connection | wholeness | love – this is not a word. It can’t be debated though words, expressing ideas of right, wrong, good and bad. These words belong to divine separation, disconnection. They do not live in connection | wholeness | love. For what is taking place is a vibration, a frequency, a movement of expansion of our human reality and this is not easy accepted or understood from our present reality. DNA activation (a different way of understanding life – this information is from ancient knowing) is needing to be given a voice in this extraordinary time of change. The voice will come from all walks of life. This voice will come from many countries – each country having its place of service for the whole. The voice will be held from a place of connection and love. The voice will hear the heartbeat of Mother Earth. The voice will feel the connection to each other in the human heart. The voice will open up and come from the intelligence of the heart – it will beat a rhythm of connection to all that is. This rhythm will touch the essence of humanity’s heart and the heart will remember connection | wholeness | love from long long ago. We will walk through a storm. It will have the capacity to turn our world upside down, as it shows us new ways forward. We will be asked to let go of what does not align to connection and love. This time we have reached in evolution is through what has already been lived. We are not more or bigger than what has been lived. Every step our ancestors walked, generations of collective trauma and potential going forward in life, has reach us in this extraordinary time of deep change. Mother Earth Many are opening up to connection to Mother Earth. We have created a world without understanding her world of wholeness … Yet communication with Mother Earth is now being felt. New ways forward will be created from a new place of connection. Still resistance in many to understand and accept the extraordinary connection to Mother Earth. This resistance will be asked to recede. We are not bigger than the Earth; we are not more than her. Who will do the asking for us to let go? She will. Mother Earth will take us on a journey to understand her and come back to her. To become visible to each other. Life will show us the way. Environmental issues will give us messages regarding what is needed for a sustainable future. She, our Mother, is calling many to her. The indigenous elders, the shamans, have been communicating with her for a long long time – we just lost the connection to her. She is calling us back to her. We have reach – as humanity – the ability as a collective to align to a bigger picture, a deep reality of connection | wholeness | love. It is a deep movement in the human soul to find our way back to connection | wholeness | love – for this is who we truly are. Transformation/Transition is a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual experience now in process for the masses There is hardship and confusion in lands that have been of great power and wealth. This can be experienced as a transition to a deeper reality of life which is being exposed. The old game is over. Lies, illusions, cover-ups are being exposed naturally. This is not about who is bad or good or right or wrong – it’s all much bigger than that. This is global business – it is the evolutionary expansion of humanity. Acceptance and understanding from the masses will take time It’s not a choice – it just IS – and the acceptance will be necessary for us to move forward, creating a new way of life and a new story for us all. Courage, strength, endurance and resilience will hold up the human spirit going forward – it always has. Natural transformation is taking place for many, as old realities leave us and new ways forward come to us. The power games will hang on tight for survival as long as they can. It’s what has been known. The power will yell and demand to be heard. Yet the pull for change will get stronger in the masses. This is a deep movement in the human soul, on the timeframe of evolution. The call of connection is vibration – not a word. The human heart is in a place of activation. The opening of the human heart is the next stage in our evolution. This is a rhythm of expansion, not a thought. Our old words will find it difficult to move forward. They won’t fit in the place of connection. Extraordinary times we are living in. Extraordinary people the citizens of Earth. Extraordinary you are here at this time. Extraordinary ability to now evolve – to take back the lost heritage of long ago. Highest intelligence of connection | wholeness | love – it’s our birth right. The wisdom keepers sing – it’s time. Susan Altschwager Family Constellations Trainer, Facilitator and Coach Author, New Story for Humanity M: 0488 030 471 E: [email protected] W: www.susanaltschwager.com.au From the rivers of the dreaming – the purest essence of love is the breath of life in us all.
We will walk a journey to uncover the truths and knowledge of the history of Earth. We will walk steps to align to a lost heritage that we, as a race of people, lost a long time ago. This will be a natural process of evolution for us – as we open up to a bigger picture of who we are as the human species. The next stage in our evolution is opening the human heart. This opening is not a personal choice – it is a movement within the heartbeat, aligned to Mother Earth’s heartbeat, aligned to an electromagnetic force field of life, a higher intelligence of connection, sacredness and wholeness of life – our natural birth right. In the next few decades In the next few decades we will move forward, finding ways to embrace new possibilities. The grandmothers, great grandmothers, great great grandmothers are holding the children of humanity. The natural call of creation is asking for something sacred to come back to us as a race of people. The umbilical cord was cut from our Mother Earth eons ago – we became separated from her – but destiny is calling us back to her. We are a part of the Dreaming – the story of creation. This calling is from the force fields of creation – a higher intelligence of love – knowing all things are connected, all people are a part of the whole. No one is excluded – no person, race or country. We are one race – humanity. Step back, breathe, acknowledgement what is At this moment in time we need to step back – take a breath, breathe deep, breathe deep again. Give a place for what is taking place in our global family now. Slow down, find your space and place in this intense time of change. Acknowledge your personal and collective experience being lived each day. In our family and amongst friends, community and the global family. Feel your grandmother, great grandmothers, great great grandmothers behind you, holding you and your family in this time of intense change – change being a natural movement forward through each generation, from the past, in the present and into the future. Opening your heart /the Earth has music for those who listen Transformation, activation, evolution has been a reality for many over the last few decades. The journey has been extraordinary, as many individuals have been healing the pain in their hearts, going deep inside to find new ways of seeing and understanding life. Many supporting the healing of collective trauma in our families and communities, opening up to new information about the connection between all of us – humanity. Many of these seekers, I call the wisdom keepers. They are the holders of a deep wisdom and they have a knowing of the change that is coming. Stillness, reverence and respect – feeling the connection of the breath of life – are needed here now more than ever before on our planet. Opening your heart to feel her heartbeat – Mother Earth – she is asking for unity, and for you to acknowledge the humanity in all of us. Holding connection deep inside each of us is the greatest gift you can give to our children grandchildren and future generations. Many have worked extremely hard over the last decades breaking through the separation of love. It’s time now for you to stand up and stand strong, knowing love is the way though. Acknowledging your own pain and holding it in place in your heart for all people of our communities and countries. With the opening of the heart we free the greatest power of our existence, the highest intelligence of love – a love that sees and breathes in wholeness. The old story lives in us though our separation from source When our reality is coming from our thinking, we are looking though the old lens of life. We are giving our thoughts the place of power and our understanding of what is taking place for us – for humanity at this time in history – we are expressing from the old story in us. When we come from this place of thought, we have no idea of the journey it will take to break free from the separation of love. Our thoughts can’t go there. Only the division and separation can hold the place of thinking, of domination over the heartbeat. Our thoughts will be yelling and taking us outside of ourselves – further and further away from our true nature, demanding to be heard. For this has been the way of life for centuries in the history of humanity Demanding to be right. Standing strong in beliefs and conditions as to how you see it and how you want it. Demanding that you know the answers about what is happening to all of us now … and offering explanations and many details, giving proof of human decay in many different versions. Fear is running rampant in every pocket of human conditioning. Our natural nature Our natural nature – our connection to Mother Earth is not a thought process. Our thoughts cannot take us back home to her. Letting go of this control of thoughts inside of us, in the journey that is being asked of us, is often very difficult to do. The calling for sacredness, to have its place in us in our daily lives, cannot come from your thoughts – yelling, screaming about what is right, who is to blame, who is more and who is less. Humanity is in a place of evolution too big for us to fully comprehend The grandmothers, great grandmothers, great great grandmothers hold sacred space for us, knowing the mother is lost in the nature of humanity. Separation Separation from your core essence, from the dreamtime of the rivers of goodness and wholeness of life, from the fields of creation, cannot be understood from a place in our present reality. It is much bigger than our present reality. Our thoughts can’t go there. Separation from your true essence, from the high intelligence of love – you cannot see it, hear it, feel it. The journey to understanding the separation will be a process of movement as we walk forward, living our lives. For love is not a word. It is a vibration, a frequency of expansion of self. It is a frequency of connection and wholeness. There is an original story There is an original story that belongs to us as people of Earth. This original story is not a word, a thought for you to debate on. It is not a state of mind that indicates to you who is good or bad, who is right or wrong, who sees the truth – for the original story has no separation in it. In the original story, we are connected to the source. The original story lives within the codes of our DNA. Much is beyond our understanding … but the activation of these codes is in process. This is a science – yet beyond the scientific reality of today. It is a natural process of human evolution on a time-frame mechanism. Love is the greatness power in life Love is our natural essence – separation took place eons ago. We have lived and experienced life in this place of separation – it is the game of life for us all, being born into the human FIELD of trauma. It is very difficult for us to see this separation, feel or understand this separation. The loss of the true nature of humanity, the loss of the Mother within us all. The grief is deep – the trauma still alive in us, playing out the game of separation from our source in many different ways. Each country has its place in the present upheaval, revealing deep trauma, pain, denial, numbness, held in the fields of each country, each story of history. Collective pain is calling out to us to be heard and acknowledged The grandmothers, great grandmothers, great great grandmothers say: ‘We see you, we acknowledge you, we love you all.’ Global fear is playing out strongly, for we are in a place of not knowing where we are going. We are not in control – some of us are feeling like we are losing control of our daily rights with restrictions in place. In the field of ancient wisdom, we have never had control, for we have lived separated from the mother, the giver of life inside ourselves. We will start to walk new steps and see life so differently … Separation has control of our whole existence. As we walk the journey of new possibilities and see and acknowledge a bigger picture – our own natural essence of love – we will align naturally to it. Our reality is changing – there is a higher intelligence in us all and it is calling in us now to bring back order and balance in life – where sacredness operates in our daily existence. When the Mother is honoured and loved and given her rightful place, when connection is in our breath weaving life back to wholeness, the unbiblical cord connecting each of us is felt, and the sacred in all of us is known and seen. Our Mother, the giver of life, holds deep connection and unity for humanity. When we are able to breathe with her, our world will see and live from a new story. Evolution is a large force field of destiny in us all. We can’t control it. We can choose to accept and honour it and bow to our destiny going forward. Susan Altschwager Family Constellations Trainer, Facilitator and Coach Author "New Story for Humanity" M: 0488 030 471 E: [email protected] W: www.susanaltschwager.com.au You are extraordinary men, women and children of this time in history. You are perfect – it is not by chance you are born in this time of intense change.
We are stepping into the unknown. The old ways are no longer working. Trying to control things and seeking to understand what is happening right now through the old lens is not the way to stabilise your experience of daily living.
Your vision for the future is clouded with fear and loss, and a fog that has dimmed your expression of excitement and love of life. The fog is thick and it is difficult to see through – it is not lifting in the morning sun, and it seems to travel through our minds throughout the whole day. Questions are arising within – around where we are going and what is happening. Feelings of powerlessness can be felt so deep within individuals, families and communities … within each country of our GLOBAL family – that is, humanity. This is GLOBAL business. Change is beating the rhythm of the drum of life – it is getting louder and louder … Chaos and confusion are playing out here. Balance and order are disrupted. There’s big stuff in play here for the GLOBAL family. Disruption to our way life is in the space here. Letting go and surrendering is an option for some, while others are resisting and trying to hold on to what life has been in the past … We see yelling, demanding action, survival tactics exploding into the arena in our towns, cities and countries. Fear has the strongest hold; it is exploding through our nervous systems … But borders, walls and oceans cannot stop the rhythm of this change … Something bigger is in our space. Discussions around the environmental have been on the tongues of many … Who is right, who is wrong? Something bigger is in our space – we are all connected. It is a natural movement beyond our understanding as humanity beats through us, asking us to come together to find new ways forward. Your strong resistance to change will not stop the change. We are not bigger than our Mother Earth; we are not bigger than the electromagnetic force field of the life we are a part of. Our evolution as a race is here … strong in the space. Something big is being asked of us all … We cannot control it … This change is not a personal choice – it is a deep process of evolution and we cannot stop it. We can only start to begin to understand it. Looking back in history, each of our families have walked a long journey through extraordinary hardship and survival. The human spirit is strong – it is resilient, the human spirit’s deepest movement is to find a way through to pass life on to the next generations. We have an extraordinary impulse of movement forward – it is a part of the force field of life, and it’s bigger than what is happening now. We will change. We will start to see life through a new lens – the fog will lift. The illusions around how we have lived and understood life will leave us. This can be difficult, as many of the illusions we have held are to do with what we have loved and what has controlled us … and it is leaving … What is being experienced now through the virus will complete. So will some of the reality of how we have lived life. Many of our present systems do not have the answers to the way forward – for we need a new way to support civilisation going forward … Manipulation, domination, control, denial and resistance will not stop the force field of evolution of a species. We are not bigger than the divinity of life. Change is calling – it will get louder. The way through these times is to start to see life as a gift and have gratitude for its expression through you. It is asking you to expand your reality to take opportunities each day for your own evolution and expansion of self. To birth new ways through you – new systems, a new story for you and me and for humanity. Connection is calling us back home. We are living in extraordinary times. Much love, SUSAN Susan Altschwager Family Constellations Trainer, Facilitator and Coach Author, New Story for Humanity M: 0488 030 471 E: [email protected] W: www.susanaltschwager.com.au Editing by Heather Millar, Zest Communications Tell the people – my voice was taken away and a world with no knowledge of ME was created. When my voice was taken away, humanity’s voice was taken away too.
Humanity has no knowledge of its true self. People are without connection to their true origins, their true selves. The story has been lost for centuries. People are locked in a world of illusion … I am your Mother. There is no honour, in your world for me. You do not know me, for we separated eons ago. The cord was cut and disconnected between you and me, and this has been the way of life since. I am your Mother I am your Mother Earth, and I cannot speak to the people through government, for I have no voice there. I am your Mother Earth, and I cannot speak to the people through science or religion, for I have no voice there. I am your Mother Earth, and I cannot speak to the people through law and education, for I have no voice there. I am your Mother Earth, and I cannot be heard in your thoughts, for I have no voice there. You can search outside yourself in the stars at night. You can journey further away to other planets. Ask me for I have lived with you for a long long long time, and the answers are within me and you. When you left me eons ago, I remember the time of love, of wholeness. I remember the times of peace. I remember the times of invasion. I remember the times of chaos, war, slavery, famine, disease. I remember the times of domination, devastation and manipulation. I – your Mother – remember all the changes. They still live here with me – the entire cycle of human life. I ask you to understand this Humanity has entered a new cycle of life and this cycle is a natural process of change. I – your Mother – have witnessed many changes and all of them are still in my memory. Humanity is at a point in time where it can take back its knowing – the lost knowledge and the deep truth of your story of origin. A natural process in humanity’s evolution A natural process in humanity’s evolution is beginning to reveal the whole picture of human existence. The lies, cover-ups and illusions will show themselves. Humanity has been in prison – operating through a reality very opposite to me, your Mother. Many will understand this, as you walk through your own remembrance and understanding, the separation of self. Your eyes will open, and you will begin to see in ways that do not exist through the eyes you see with today – for separation is the reality you see today. I am not a thought and your eyes see through thought’s reality of me today. I am your Mother and I can’t breathe in your thoughts – you have replaced your own breath with human appetites. I am your Mother and I am in great pain – this is not for me; it is for you. I ache deeply in the heart of the eternal flame inside me. You are my babies, my children, but you cannot hear me or speak to me. You were taken from my arms eons ago and sentenced to a life of separation. You don’t understand who you are; you have no understanding of the reality you are creating for yourself and each other. Evolution is calling us, and a doorway has opened for the development of a higher mind, for realignment within the magnetic grid anchoring the forcefield. Ordinary men and women Ordinary men and woman are feeling the call of change, and they are rising up … standing up with leading-edge information. This evolutionary process will take us into new ways of thinking and seeing, and many will begin to understand a bigger picture. This will give us new choices within our families, and our social and global systems. Mother Earth has the whole story within her. We separated from this story eons ago. The codes within our DNA have the whole story too. This is big picture stuff – we are going to need this for us to go forward as a global family. A deep movement is needed within us, to take us from ‘me’ to ‘we’ – to GLOBAL family. Within Mother Earth is the vibration of connection, of wholeness. Within our own heartbeat, we have the ability to align with her. This is not a thought process. You cannot enter her space from the reality of separation. You must enter her space with humility and respect for her and for each other. It is the human heartbeat that will take us to her. Our Mother is waiting in the fields of deep connection, for us to find new ways forward. She is opening for us to connect, to heal the separation of our human journey of life and bring back the totality of love, wholeness, connection. For this is who we are. This is a frequency shift. Not a thought process. Susan Altschwager Family Constellations Trainer, Facilitator and Coach Author, New Story for Humanity Editing by Heather Millar, Zest Communications |
AuthorSusan is a powerful catalyst for personal and planetary change. She is a voice for new ways moving forward – a bridge between past traumas and future possibilities for families, social and global systems. Susan teaches insights to a deep knowing of human evolution, educating on a bigger picture and the emerging future. Categories